CyberWay is a blockchain for applications

Why Us?


No God Mode

We guarantee that CyberWay software code does not encompass any components which are not documented and which able to interrupt or distort the execution of this code. Nonetheless, we are not responsible for the reliability of third-party software used.



Validators provide application users with bandwidth (CyberWay resources). In the event of application reaching 100 ths active users daily there is a possibility of an up to 3% of Cyber tokens grant issued by validators.


Free and Fast Transactions

CyberWay allows applications to carry out transactions absolutely free of charge and provides high throughput of 3000 TPS. The transaction volume depends on share of Cyber tokens that application has.


Diverse Smart Contracts

CyberWay provides various tools and a code library for different smart contracts. Smart contracts are built using C++.


Streamlined Development

Event Engine and DBMS developed by CyberWay has ensure easy integration with microservices that in turn enables development of more flexible and complex applications.


Free User Onboarding

CyberWay shared bandwidth simplifies the process of new users’ onboarding for applications. Bandwidth can be delegated to an application that it in turn could use it to provide execution of any user-generated transactions.


Decentralised Blockchain

Emerging as a decentralized platform, CyberWay guarantees that application code will be executed as intended without any interference from third party.



CyberWay has a full-range set of tools that ensures hassle-free development of applications, namely, compiler, code libraries for smart-contracts, DBMS and Event Engine. WebAssembly that is a part of blockchain lets applications run any smart contracts easily.

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Development Portal

The dev team of Golos Core is introducing the new EOS based blockchain platform CyberWay that tends to deliver a flexible concept of providing services to users representing different communities. CyberWay works towards the creation and development of a decentralized system with the support of several applications on the same blockchain simultaneously, operating on the basis of smart contracts and ensuring the circulation of different types of tokens.

Development Portal